A definition of what death penalty is? The death penalty is the killing of a person through a judicial procedure for the purpose of punishment or general deterrence and prevention. Dødsstraff er drap på en person gjennom en rettslig prosedyre for straff eller generell avskrekking og forebygging. A list of at least 10 words/expressions related to death penalty (In both English and Norwegian)
Some illustrations/pictures/maps that give us some details about this topic.
A map of the states in which death penalty is legal/illegal The main arguments for the death penalty and also the main arguments against the death penalty. Capital punishment is cruel and unusual. Capital punishment denies due process of law. The death penalty violates the constitutional guarantee of equal protection.
Write a paragraph about your opinion of the documentary we watched in class “På bortebane- Hadja Tajic”. It was a sad experience when you see someone being sentenced to death.
List your sources? : google and wikipedia and myself.
A definition of what death penalty is?
ردحذفThe death penalty is the killing of a person through a judicial procedure for the purpose of punishment or general deterrence and prevention.
Dødsstraff er drap på en person gjennom en rettslig prosedyre for straff eller generell avskrekking og forebygging.
A list of at least 10 words/expressions related to death penalty (In both English and Norwegian)
Some illustrations/pictures/maps that give us some details about this topic.
A map of the states in which death penalty is legal/illegal
The main arguments for the death penalty and also the main arguments against the death penalty.
Capital punishment is cruel and unusual.
Capital punishment denies due process of law.
The death penalty violates the constitutional guarantee of equal protection.
Write a paragraph about your opinion of the documentary we watched in class “På bortebane- Hadja Tajic”.
It was a sad experience when you see someone being sentenced to death.
List your sources? : google and wikipedia and myself.